Science and Clinical Research since 1962

The Founder of the Q400 Symptomology Analysis - Dr. John Crofoot, DN

Doctor John has studied Biochemistry since his teenage years. He is a Doctor of Nutripathy and his goal is to improve the health of mankind, by providing nutritional/dietary counseling and education.
Dr. John has been associated with over 125 physicians that include M.D.’s, PHD’s, Surgeons, Physiologists and Nutritional Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Bio-chemists and Entomologists from 25 North American Universities. Being able to work together with these people in medical and nutritional research since 1962 he has had a massive impact on the development of his system as we see it today.

Dr. John, statistics are more than impressive: Clinical documented studies since 1962 on over fifteen thousands of Patients in Forty Countries. Yes, it is more than IMPRESSIVE! 

Some Physicians have described this particular system as an “Organic X-Ray” of existing and potential problems in a patient’s body.

As the Founder says: “This program is revolutionary because it works at the atomic level of the body’s metabolism where healing is initiated. I would not be alive without it. It is that accurate”. Dr. John, DN

The Roots of the Q400 Symptomology Analysis
When helping ill people it is always more precise to make such a diagnosis based on analysis of the body fluids, X-rays, CT scans – however in most cases these are sought only if indications for the common symptoms fail. Pancreatic cancer, for example is almost never diagnosed until it is too late. When serious conditions have advanced, often X-rays and CT scans are void of visually identifiable abnormal conditions.

Only after trial and error does the average patient seek the doctor. The patients themselves usually treat unwanted symptoms with the use of old remedies and over the counter non – prescription drugs. Women are more apt to seek the aid of a physician for themselves and their children before the male does, (a macho thing) perhaps that’s why women generally outlive males.

Most early manifested symptoms are nutritional needs by the body. The symptoms are so important, because the body function is “crying out” wherein it needs help. Properly interpreting these unwanted symptoms quickly satisfies the person when they can do something about it to experience relief. Our natural ability to recognize the need for more rest, sleep, water and certain foods has been lost by most persons, including the doctors. We seem to have lost our natural ability to know what to do, so we can feel better.

We Have Answers
Each day more and more people like you recognize the importance of proper nutrition. We now are experiencing an exciting move in medicine toward preventing disease rather than treating disease after the fact.

Our Q400 Symptomology Analysis has been correlated to provide a recommendation of food and supplement intake. Because each person is unique, the program is designed to provide you with dietary modifications that can help improve body performance, from an athlete to the elderly.

When you wiil receive the computer printout results you can learn what nutritional modifications are necessary for your optimum health. It is true that people are sick today simply from lack of knowledge on how nutrition works. Foods that are needed for your optimum nutrition are listed along with vitamins and minerals that are recommended. Our online Q400 Symptomology Analysis will assist you in improving your short term and long-term health. When you are looking for answers – we have them.

What is Your Body Asking for
The goal is for the two (Allopathic and Dr. John’s Bio-Chem system) to meet in the middle of the chart as it is recorded in his compilation of hundreds of pages of research that explains how Dr. John’s program works.

His program evaluates chemistry, seeking the light frequency of a deficiency in question. Since each vitamin and mineral has its own light frequency and each organ has its own vitamin and mineral requirement for optimum performance and wellbeing, this evaluation will recommend foods that have an abundance of a particular missing light frequency. Since most deficiencies are multiple, certain foods may fill all these deficiencies.

Through Dr. John’s research, we know which nutrients are necessary for optimum health of each organ. Our nutritional software program determines which organ is malfunctioning by the deficiency of vitamins and/or minerals. The software will calculate which foods are needed to supply these proper nutrients that will work on the correct light (color) frequency of foods, which in turn will work on balancing the body’s chemistry and the pH values of the body.

We provide the Q400 Symptomology Analysis for you to fill out regarding your current health. Your answers are processed by our computer software and the Q400 Symptomology Results “The Dashboard of Your Health” are displayed right in your browser in just a few moments. It is that simple.

“Not all the best food is the right food – right food for your chemistry”. We need to know what our body is made of and we need to find out what our body is asking for, before we can help. Our body does not come with a panel full of gauges so that we can see what to add, what to take away or what to repair, however.

The Q400 Symptomology Analysis are the eyes that see the gauges of Your Health - your “Dashboard of Your Health”. No more Searching. No more Guesswork needed!

Our Q400 Symptomology Analysis is very unique, unusual, unconventional, unmatched, unknown, unexpected personal Health Evaluation that has been created for the benefit of all. Created from Need – Not from Greed!

The Q400 Symptomology Analysis
The program has been correlated to provide a recommendation of food and supplement intake suggesting a better dietary program based solely on your biochemical individuality. Your answers are entered into the computer and are processed through over 140,000 steps of logic comprising 67 million bytes of computer information to produce your personalized nutritional evaluation. This service will assist you in improving your short term and your long term health. Any way you look at it this unique health service it is an OUTSTANDING VALUE.

Why the Q400 Symptomology  – “The Dashboard of Your Heath"
There are approximately 1.2 million body types. For example, if you dial a specific phone number you should reach the party you dialed (barring any electronic failure). It is no exaggeration that each person is as unique as their phone number. Major body types are like the area code, further divided into more defined groups like the prefix defines the town. Finally, each body type is defined individually just as the last four digits of your phone number that identifies only your phone.

Body chemistry is as individual as you are and nutritional needs are determined genetically; not by a predominant life style. Diets and nutrition affect everyone differently. How nutrients affect the body is determined by the dominant system or Ph level. Optimum health and wellbeing is dependent upon the amount and quality of energy the body produces from the fuel consumed.

Some Benefits of the Q400 Symptomology Analysis Online
No Guesswork – What Nutrition You Need
No Guesswork – On Nutritional Deficiency
No Guesswork – What Foods to Eat for Your Specific Chemistry
Customized – For Your Color Frequencies
Research – Since 1962
The System – Built on Solid Foundation, the Law of the Universe
Clinical Experience – Since 1962
In Commerce - Processed with pencil, paper and calculator since the early 1972
Fully Computerized - Since 1975 with Results delivered via the fax, mail and e-mail

Fully Digital - Since 1995
Online - Since 2-2-2020 available to a general public
Fast Service – Get Your Personalized Results in your Browser in Just a few Moment
Digital Age - Digital Product with Digital Delivery
Private – From The Privacy of Your Home
Comfort – From The Comfort of Your Home
Convenient – Anytime, Anywhere
Accessible – Anywhere in The World
Affordable – A Fraction of the cost of Anything Else
No Competition – Nothing Like it Anywhere
Health Benefits – Enjoy Your Life Better
It’s All About Your Personal Chemistry – We Have The Answer
It’s True – It Works in Theory and in Practice as Well