Q400 Symptomology Analysis

Q400 Symptomology - {$162.00}

*  - Denotes a REQUIRED entry.
Select the comments in the Symptomology below that describe your condition within the past six months ONLY.

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* First Name:  * Recommended By:  
* Last Name:  Clinic Name:  
* Street Address : * Age:  
* City: * Height - Feet: * Inches:  
* State: * Weight in Pounds:  
* Zip: * Phone #:  
* E-mail address: * Sex: Man Woman  

1 Poor or weak respiration 2 (Man) Penis smaller than normal 3 Skin blemiches
4 Depression 5 Motion sickness 6 Abnormal blood
7 Tired eyes 8 Gums bleed 9 (Woman) Breast underdeveloped
10 Apathy 11 Weak ligaments 12 Oily chin
13 Lower bowel gas 14 Bad breath 15 I am a vegetarian
16 (Woman) Menstrual irregular 17 (Woman) Infertility 18 Twitching muscles
19 I use tobacco 20 Noises in ears 21 Abnormal exhaustion
22 Fatigue 23 Attitude of complaint 24 Overall weakness
25 Bad circulation 26 Hyperactive 27 Inflamed rectum
28 Infections of urinary tract 29 Bitter taste in mouth 30 Gall bladder disorders
31 Abnormal diarrhea 32 I get angry easily 33 I feel apprehension
34 Swelling of the feet 35 Lifestyle stress 36 Thin and anemic looking
37 Skin scaling 38 Colds and sinusitis 39 Body feels cold
40 Lip soreness 41 Earaches and infections 42 Can't gain weight
43 Severe arthritis 44 Poor circulation in feet 45 Bronchial problems
46 Very sedentary 47 Ruptured veins 48 Cramps
49 Eyes seem to be staring 50 Thickened saliva 51 Stiffening of muscles
52 Irregular jog/run 53 Muscle swelling 54 General confusion of mind
55 Hands feel hot 56 Shaking of the body 57 Night blindness
58 (Woman) My sex drive is down 59 I am thin and weak 60 I have paleness under top eyelid
61 Muscular dystrophy 62 Pain about shoulder blade(s) 63 General aches and pains
64 Hardening of arteries 65 Skin scaling about the ears 66 Dry mouth
67 Corners of mouth split 68 Get infections easily 69 Inside the mouth gets sores
70 Goiter 71 Daily chores seem difficult 72 Red face like sunburn
73 Leg pains 74 Skin eruptions 75 Gall bladder stones
76 My blood pressure is too high 77 Soft teeth 78 I fear the dark
79 Mucous in bowel movement 80 Abdominal bloating 81 Constantly hungry
82 Emotional outburst 83 Dull hearing 84 Feel that I am shorter than normal
85 Middle ear problems 86 Over acidity    
87 Nervousness 88 Periodic vomiting
89 Poor posture 90 Gastro-intestinal disturbances 91 Near sighted
92 Scratchiness feeling when eyes are closed 93 Constant urination 94 Numbness at times
95 Stiff joints 96 Skin cyst 97 Feelings of hostility
98 Abnormally large nose 99 I stagger when I walk 100 Weak legs
101 Stomach ulcers 102 (Woman) My pubic hair is too thin 103 Overall energy is low
104 Abdominal area is flabby 105 Daydream 106 Spasms
107 (Woman) Menstrual cycle stopped 108 Medically diagnosed low blood sugar 109 Inflammation
110 Puffy eyelids 111 Skin is extra sensitive 112 Uncomfortable aches in my legs
113 (Woman) Vaginal itch 114 Regular headaches 115 Skin on forehead scaly
116 Tongue has a white coating 117 Itchiness inside ears 118 Brownish spots on skin
119 Aging too fast 120 Work is a drudgery 121 Easy weight gain
122 Lack of smell 123 Very moody 124 Legs feel stiff
125 Over exposure to X-ray or radiation 126 Hard milky white tissure areas 127 A finger or fingers feel numb
128 Pain during urination 129 I'm stiff from degenerative disease 130 (Woman) Imbalance of hormones
131 Lazy mentally unintentionally 132 Excess tension 133 Excess height
134 Palpitations 135 Calluses on hands 136 Constant yawning or sighing
137 (Man) Sexual difficulties 138 Scaling skin or roughness about arms and/or legs 139 (Woman) Lack of reproduction when young
140 Poor teeth enamel 141 Mentally dull - slow mind 142 Low blood pressure
143 General cramps 144 Get sick easily 145 Wrinkles
146 Cramps in legs 147 Poor appetite 148 Difficulty in hearing
149 Loss of muscle tone 150 Blood shot eyes 151 Heart problems
152 Difficulty with speech 153 Weak voice 154 Poor endurance
155 Skin rashes 156 Constantly fearful 157 Arteriole problems
158 (Woman) Ovary swelling 159 I don't do a good job at work 160 (Man) Prostate swelling
161 Hands that are chapped 162 Foggy thinking 163 Greasy and oily skin
164 Cold hands 165 Balding 166 Hoarseness caused by dry cough
167 Cyst 168 Nauseous at times 169 Galloping heart
170 (Woman) Conception has been difficult 171 Tongue is sore and reddish in color 172 Boils
173 (Man) Shrinking testicles 174 Shooting pains 175 Canker sores about the mouth
176 Arms that tremble 177 Night confusion 178 My face gets puffy and swollen
179 Undigested food 180 Forgetfulness 181 Sagging muscles
182 Upper respiratory problems 183 Restlessness 184 Pale face
185 Forehead perspires easily 186 Dry eyes 187 Obese
188 Sensitive to noise 189 Diabetes 190 Emotions are unstable
191 (Woman) Lactating mother 192 (Man) Low sperm count 193 Mental exhaustion
194 Excess muscle tension 195 Suspicious nature 196 Periodic itching spells
197 Eyelid inflammation 198 Fatty muscles 199 Brain damage
200 Hair lacks sheen 201 Lazy nature 202 Abnormal body temperature
203 Nervous exhaustion 204 Asthma 205 Weakness of muscles
206 Deformed teeth 207 Dark urine 208 Back of hands appear sunburned
209 Reduced visual capacity in faint light (as at night) 210 Constipation 211 Graying of hair
212 (Woman) Vaginal rash 213 Tomorrow's coming is frightful 214 Anemic
215 Bad body odor 216 Bloody discharge 217 Easily bruised
218 Pupils of eyes stay dilated 219 (Woman) PMS tension 220 Excess coating on tongue
221 Feet get cold easily 222 (Man) Sexual indifference 223 Constantly sleepy or drowsy
224 Unwarranted feelings of grief 225 Gum disease 226 Listless
227 Fatigue by hot weather 228 High cholesterol in blood 229 Very nervous person
230 Difficulties with lungs 231 Tongue painful 232 Spinal problems
233 Consume large amounts of prepackaged food 234 Unexplained tender spots 235 Poor healing of sores
236 Abnormal skin blemishes 237 Bowel problems 238 Night sweats
239 Pus pockets on scalp 240 Too hot or too cold hurts teeth 241 Tendency to arthritis
242 Infections of respiratory system 243 Unstable mentally 244 Edema of the legs
245 Chapped lips 246 Teeth get loose 247 Lack of courage
248 Crust on skin about the ears 249 (Woman) Woman complaints 250 (Woman) Odoriferous vaginal discharge
251 Hair loss 252 Shortness of breath 253 Shooting arm pains
254 Constantly thirsty 255 High cholesterol 256 Burning of feet
257 Discharge from ears 258 Low hydrochloric acid level 259 Wrist discomfort
260 Heat strokes 261 Abnormal Blood pressure (high or low) 262 Swelling of ankles
263 Hemorrhoids 264 Swelling of glands 265 (Woman) Inflamed vagina
266 Fingers and hands seem to tingle 267 Hands feel uncomfortable 268 Cataracts
269 Sciatica 270 Weakness of arms 271 When walking I real/totter from side to side
272 Perception is poor 273 Anxious state 274 Itching eyeballs
275 I drink unfiltered water 276 Constantly craving of sweets 277 Rheumatism
278 Belching or lower gas 279 Involuntary contractions of muscles 280 Slow growth of hair
281 Feeling of suffocation 282 Poor body development 283 Hands tremble at times
284 Breaking of veins 285 Loss of hearing 286 Poor assimilation
287 Use of medicinal drugs 288 Decaying teeth 289 I am taking cortisone
290 Constantly craving salt 291 Abnormal toe nails 292 Numbness or tingling in toes
293 Very little sunshine to the skin 294 Diagnosed angina 295 Brooding attitude
296 Intermittant nose bleeds 297 Consume fruits - vegtables 298 Bladder difficulties
299 (Woman) Menstrual cramps or discomfort 300 (Woman) Problems with uterus 301 Throat tightness
302 Sties 303 Weight loss with weakness 304 (Woman) Indifference to sex
305 Cancer 306 Urination difficulties 307 Senitive to light
308 Acne 309 Pain in the abdominal area 310 Fingernail abnomalities
311 Insomniac 312 Eyelids twitch 313 Problems with vision
314 Body tingling 315 Painful feet 316 Crust about the nose
317 Muscles abnomalties 318 Feel persecuted 319 Nerve disease
320 (Woman) Morning sickness 321 (Man) Small testicles 322 Abnomal heart rhythm
323 (Woman) Difficult labor 324 Feeling of sluggishness 325 Body temperature less than 98 degrees
326 Urethra or ureter inflammation 327 Stools float 328 (Woman) Sorness of vagina
329 Unfounded fears 330 Jerking of legs 331 Bloody urine occasionally
332 Psoriasis 333 Problem with drandruff 334 I live in a large city
335 (Woman) Miscarriages 336 Fat deposits 337 The white of my eye appears yellow
338 Indigestion 339 Sticky substance in the eye 340 Irritable disposition
341 Specs before the eyes 342 Hay fever 343 Skin roughness
344 (Woman) Late menstruation 345 Lack of saliva 346 Gums tender
347 Toxemia 348 Cordination off 349 Slow reflexes
350 Skin is dry 351 Left arm is painful 352 Phlebitis
353 Loss of or poor manual dexterity 354 Kidney stones 355 Backwordness of manner
356 Joyless appearance 357 Tendency to quarrel 358 Nervous agitation
359 Inflamation of the bladder 360 Deafness 361 Bed wetting
362 Sick and tired feeling 363 Unexplained dizziness 364 Arm cramps
365 Back aches 366 Weak or damaged kidneys 367 Strain on eyes when focusing
368 Difficult breathing - bluish skin 369 Walking is difficult 370 Heart beat is too rapid
371 Legs feel like pins poking them 372 Hemorrhages or cuts bleeding excessively 373 Mental illness - insanity
374 Unwillingness - Uncooperative 375 Lack of unination at times 376 Heart feels like it is pounding
377 (Woman) Premature children 378 Pernicious anemia 379 Disoriented
380 Stools are light colored 381 Bowel inflammation 382 (Woman) Menstrual is slow
383 (Woman) I take oral contraceptives 384 Muscles are painful 385 I do not feel good after eating sugar
386 Birth deformities 387 (Woman) Poor sexual development 388 Underweight - no apparent weakness
389 Epilepsy 390 Gout 391 Heart enlargement
392 Heart defect in offspring 393 Failing eye sight 394 Various eruptions on the skin
395 Schizophrenia 396 Green tinted urine 397 Absence of well being
398 (Woman) Pregnant 399 Sore tongue 400 Throat infections

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